Presentation: Day in the Life with Speech Recognition, ML & IOT


10:35am - 11:25am



Every day of our lives is flooded with multi-modal information from various facets of life, from work, from our family and our social interactions, all characterized by ambiguity and uncertainty. In this talk we explore how to increase our efficiency using the capacity of cognitive computing and machine learning to synthesize and analyze the evolving patterns in life and the interactions of our everyday activities, including our business information, our schedules and our search and tracking habits for information.

The focus is on applications where the user experience becomes contextual when interacting in multiple locations, with multiple devices and in different situations. Using Cloud based Cognitive Computing (Analytics, Machine Learning, etc) and Micro-Services to generate hypothesis, reasoned arguments and recommendations, information will be presented according to the present context and only when needed. We will also demonstrate how this technology can be used for the Conversational Commerce.

Speaker: Mark Vanderwiele

IBM Distinguished Engineer

Mark VanderWiele is an IBM Distinguished Engineer working on emerging cloud technologies. He was chief architect for some of the first clouds in IBM and over the last several years has been performing research and development on cloud technology, conversational computing, and IOT. Mark has helped hundreds of customers transition to cloud and rapidly develop new innovative offerings. He is currently working on the PaaS layer with IBM’s BlueMix to radically simplify cloud application development and deployment.

Find Mark Vanderwiele at

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