Speaker: Jafar Husain

Cross-Team UI Technical Lead @Netflix
Jafar Husain is the Cross-Team Technical Lead for the Netflix UI's. He is the architect of Netflix's UI data platform, and specializes in building reactive, event-driven systems. A highly-rated speaker, he has spoken at QCon, HTML Dev Conf, QCon, CodeMesh, YOW! and given Channel 9 interviews. He has also trained hundreds of developers to build event-driven systems in JS. He is the Netflix representative on the JavaScript standards committee (TC-39) and is actively working to evolve the JavaScript language.

Find Jafar Husain at

Talk: The Past, Present, and Future of JavaScript

Other talks from the same track

Co-Founder and CTO @NodeSource
Ember Mentor & OSS Contributor. Founder @EmberSherpa
Senior Front End Engineer @Netflix
Ember.js Core Team Member & Engineer @LinkedIn
Webpack maintainer, User Experience Developer @MutualofOmaha
RxJS 5 Lead Author & Senior Software Engineer @Netflix



Monday Nov 7

Tuesday Nov 8

Wednesday Nov 9