Hardware Architectures You Need To Know

What happens when semiconductor no longer gets faster at a predictable pace? Hardware evolution shows no sign of slowing down, and is instead introducing more profound architectural changes to meet the ever-rising needs of modern workloads. This brave new era presents both big challenges and exciting opportunities for software developers.

In this dedicated hardware track, the speakers will give you a taste of the incredible diversity of modern hardware, and how software developers can prepare for a world where software and hardware designs are increasingly integrated.

From this track


Evaluating and Deploying State-of-the-Art Hardware to Meet the Challenges of Modern Workloads

Deep dive on how to evaluate and deploy state-of-the-art hardware to meet the challenges of modern workloads and to best serve business and application needs.

Speaker image - Rebecca Weekly

Rebecca Weekly

VP of Infrastructure @GEICO

Track Host

Yao Yue

Platform Engineer, Distributed System Aficionado, Cache Expert, and the Founder of IOP Systems

Yao Yue is a platform engineer with specialties in caching, distributed systems, and performance engineering. She worked at Twitter for 12 years, first led the Cache Team and later created the Performance Team. After November 2022, she co-founded IOP Systems, a company that is working to improve software efficiency and reliability via smart performance engineering, with her teammates from Twitter.

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