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Charlie Poole, Poole Consulting

 Charlie  Poole

Charlie Poole is an independent developer, consultant and trainer and based in the Northwest. He is an experienced XP coach and an author of several open source development tools including the NUnit test framework for .NET.

Charlie is actively involved in a number of agile conferences and is one of the organizers of Agile Open Northwest, to be held in Seattle this spring. His technical background ranges from mainframes to modern systems. He is currently working on a mix of client projects using C#, C++ and (yes) COBOL.

Presentation: "Agile on the Mainframe and Other Odd Places"

Time: Thursday 14:30 - 15:30

Location: Cornell


Agile works on the mainframe, but it doesn't look quite the same as it does in other environments. This session covers what it means to be agile in a mainframe environment, what the obstacles are and what it takes to overcome them. Key points covered include a COBOL unit-test framework that is under development and a team-based approach that allows mainframe developers to "invent" agility within their own environment.

Beyond the mainframe focus, this session should be useful to anyone who has to implement agile in a setting where standard approaches don't seem to fit.

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