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Dan Diephouse, MuleSource

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Mr. Diephouse is a software architect at MuleSource, the company behind the open source Mule ESB. Here he is focused on building and helping others build open source web services/SOA solutions.

He is a co-founder of the web services framework Apache CXF, a founder of several other projects including XFire, SXC, and Jettison, and participates in several others whenever possible.

Presentation: "Building your next service with the Atom Publishing Protocol"

Time: Thursday 16:00 - 17:00

Location: City


So you've experienced the joys of SOAP. You've written your share of WSDLs. You know the ins and outs of WS-Addressing, WS-Security, and WS-Policy. But maybe it's not quite what you hoped for. What other options are out there for building services? And how do they compare?

The Atom Publishing Protocol provides us with one possible option. Built on the popular syndication format, Atom, it provides a RESTful approach for building services which is based on the concepts of collections and resources.

This talk will look at how you can go about building your services with APP. Along the way we'll compare/contrast it to the SOAP/WS-* approach in the areas of scalability, ease of integration, security, and simplicity. We'll try to understand when and why you would want to use APP, and just as importantly -when not to.

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