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Stuart Charlton, Cloud and OO Guru
Stuart Charlton is a Vice President and the Chief Software Architect for Elastra, a provider of enterprise cloud computing software.
He specializes in the areas of systems architecture, configuration management, RESTful web architecture, and is an avid student of lean & agile approaches to business processes and product development. Prior to joining Elastra, Stuart was an Enterprise Architect with BEA Systems, where he co-developed SOA strategies for the global consulting practice, and was the lead SOA architect for the Canadian region.
Prior to BEA, Stuart was the lead integration architect at Rogers Communications, Canada's largest cable & wireless communications provider, and was a consultant and trainer for over a dozen organizations in the United States, Canada, and Japan. He is the co-author of CodeNotes for J2EE, and has written for several leading industry publications.
Presentation: "Agile Development to Agile Operations"
Thursday 16:30 - 17:30
Metropolitan Ballroom
Abstract: Agile software development has been well influenced by "lean thinking" in manufacturing and product development, with a relentless focus on continuous improvement and encouraging ever smaller cycle times to delivering value. But the focus of Agile has primarily been on the development side of IT, while the operational side of IT continues to struggle with a large-batch mentality for new system deployments, and highly variable lead times in responding to change.
Cloud computing now offers the potential to drastically reduce the lead times to enacting change in the operational environment. This talk describes the organizational and technical advances that help to enable "The Rise of Lean IT" - on-demand provisioning, end-to-end service models, collaborative system administration, declarative configuration management, and lean IT accounting.
Training: "Design for Cloud Computing"
Monday 13:00 - 16:00
Cloud computing has become a major force for change in how we design,
configure, provision, and manage IT infrastructure.Instead of
custom-provisioning individual systems or clusters, an architect
administrator is expected to have hundreds, or even thousands of
resources under their control.
The trend towards Cloud Computing engenders much confusion and
disparity in toolsets. It straddles the areas of virtualization, IT
management, clustering, Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA), and Web
Architecture, with the overall goal of providing easily accessible
interfaces for using and manipulating infrastructure. This
infrastructure then needs to be configured to ensure strong
reliability and scalability properties to support 24x7 enterprise or
internet services.
This tutorial is targeted at developers and architects that want to
understand the impact of cloud computing on systems design. Topics
- Culture Process: How Cloud Computing has evolved the
relationship between Design Operations
- Configuration Management: Practical ways to configure and organize
thousands of servers
- Scalability: Designing applications for scale within and across
data centers
- Databases: Contrasting Column-Oriented and Row-Oriented DBMS,
Parallel Database Clusters (Shared Disk vs. Shared Nothing), and
Document-Oriented Databases
- Consistency vs. Availability: Techniques to choose the right
design technique for your situation
Both commercial and open source solutions will be used as examples to explore solutions in these areas.
Please bring your laptop to this tutorial