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Guilherme Silveira, Creator of Restfulie and Editorial chief of InfoQ Brazil
Guilherme Silveira is head instructor at Caelum, a training and consulting company. He is the creator of Restfulie, editorial chief of InfoQ Brazil, technical editor for a brazilian magazine, co-founder of the largest online portuguese speaking java user group.
After several years fighting against tight coupling, Guilherme came across REST and finally understood how hypermedia could help us avoiding the client-must-be-updated mess.
Currently writing and recording a Rest from Scratch series showing how to create REST systems using hypermedia in its core in every language Restfulie supports so far: ruby, java and .net.
Presentation: "Raising the bar: Using Kanban and Lean to super optimize your Agile implementation"
Wednesday 10:35 - 11:35
Stanford Room
Abstract: Doing just fine with Scrum but always wondered if you could do better? Do you have a gut feeling that some Agile best practices don't fit your needs? Are you tired of limiting your product delivery to 24 times a year?
Kanban and Lean can help us better understand the nature of Agile and the reason why popular Cargo Cult implementations often fail or can be vastly improved. But since this means that agile best practices like estimation, fixed iterations, cross functional teams, specific roles and iteration retrospectives are no longer mandatory some perceive Kanban and Lean Product Development (LPD) as threats to the Agile culture and mindset.
In this session we will explore how Kanban and LPD differ from traditional Agile methods. We will go through a series of steps that show how practices can be dropped, changed and restructured to the benefit of both the development team and the customer and how breaking your Agile addiction can increase flow, feedback and quality.
Having gone through the transition to Kanban it is our experience that Lean offers a unique way of rediscovering the agile vision. Traditional Agile methods may be a perfect fit in unique circumstances but they often come at a cost and may turn out to be an unnecessarily expensive solution in your particular context.
Keywords: Lean Product Development, Agile, Kanban, process, project management, product development, organization, culture, quality.
Target audience: All who take part in software product development and delivery: Technical leads, Team leads, development managers, business developers and software engineers.
Presentation: "The Role of Hypermedia and the future of Web integration"
Wednesday 12:05 - 13:05
City Room
After one month of getting a service published, there are some changes
to be made: the human process reflected by your code needs an update,
and you soon realize all of your clients do, too. Your IT department
falls into disbelief every time an update is required. Within your
company, any change to a central system creates extra complexity and
high maintenance costs: the decoupling we have promised ourselves
during the past few years, and the architectural design of
our solution, does not seem to become a reality in the near future.
Although we currently achieve decoupling to a certain level, our costs
are still high. Is it fine to keep up with such maintenance costs?
In this session we will present some situations when the use of
hypermedia help us get out of evolution hell and into the future of
web integration. How can simple executions and goal-based engines that
can map our business process help us in practice? How the web and
decentralized control systems will help us build the next generation
of integrated systems over the web?
On the way, some of the key aspects of the REST architecture style
will appear, applied in specific situations, where it's easier to
understand its value for a network based architecture.
It is not just about resting, but web integration evolution."
Keywords: REST, REST Constraints, Hypermedia, Interop
Training: "Rest from Scratch"
Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Olympic Room
Does REST need to be more than just HTTP verbs and xml or json in order to make it capable of
supporting traditional service architectures through the web? This
tutorial will start from scratch and guide us through a series of
steps showing code that creates a restful set of services which
benefits from several REST characteristcs, including:
understanding resources through its representations
- vendorizing a media type
- supporting searches through open search
- supporting client side cache
- must ignore rule and forward compatibility
hypermedia and guiding clients
- delegating part of the system and media type-binding
asynchronous processing
Extra topics include:
client side DSLs
- error handling
staless and resources
Focus will not be put on the theory part but showing how to achieve
those goals and at the same time giving a simple and practical
explanation of those.
Everyone is welcome to code at the same time and follow all steps.
Those who bring their computers will be able to do it at the same time
and achieve something at the end. The only requirement is a compatible
environment that will be described later via email such as rvm,
rubygems and some gems.
Recommended Literature
For those who want to benefit the most and be top of the class, both
Rest in Practice and Restful Webservices Cookbook provide a solid