Presentation: "Through The Looking Glass - Applying Analytics to Development"

Time: Wednesday 16:00 - 16:50

Location: Grand Ballroom A

Advances in storage capacity have accelerated interest in querying large datasets for business decision support.  While developers have been building tools in this area for years, they've rarely turned the focus back on themselves and asked what they can learn from the historical data that is accumulated as a side effect of their development efforts.

In this talk, Michael Feathers will describe things that development teams can learn through analysis of their source code repositories and ancillary data.  Decision support is not only for business.

Michael Feathers, Member of the Technical Staff, Groupon

 Michael  Feathers
Michael Feathers is a Member of the Technical Staff at Groupon. Prior to joining Groupon, Michael was the Chief Scientist of Obtiva, and a Senior Consultant with Object Mentor International. Over the years, Michael has spent a great deal of time helping teams after design over time in code bases. Michael is also the author of the book Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Prentice Hall, 2004).