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Nikita Ivanov, Fonder and CEO, GridGain Systems
Mr. Ivanov has
almost 20 years of experience in software development with last 15 years spent
developing grid computing and distributed middleware software. In 2005 Mr.
Ivanov founded GridGain project that has become one of the most rapidly growing
Java-based real time big data software – with GridGain software used today by
hundreds of companies worldwide and starting every few seconds around the
Presentation: "Streaming MapReduce with GridGain and Scala"
Thursday 16:10 - 17:00
This presentation with live coding is about how you can easily create complex distributed systems with the GridGain software, utilizing in-memory compute and data grids.
It will be explaining the concepts of in-memory big data: how you can use a distributed key-value store that loads and stores massive amounts of data from exisiting databases and NoSQL stores into the combined RAM of all your nodes, how you can perform computations on this store without moving the data and how you can integrate this setup with your existing software.
The live coding part of the presentation will cover the creation of a streaming MapReduce application in Scala. Scala as well as Java are programming languages natively supported by GridGain.