Top 10 videos from QCon SF 2011

We are happy to present the top 10 video list from QCon SF 2011 sorted by numbers of views:

Attila Szegedi:
"Everything I Ever Learned about JVM Performance Tuning @twitter"
Rod Johnson:
"Things I Wish I'd Known"
Steve Souders:
"High Performance HTML5"
Pramod Sadalage:
"Evolving Database Design and Architecture: Patterns and Practices"
Ryan Slobojan:
"Automating (almost) Everything Using Git, Gerrit, Hudson and Mylyn"
Gilad Bracha:
"Dart: A Structured Web Programming Language"
Sastry Malladi:
"Dealing with Performance Challenges - Optimized Data Formats"
Joel Hough and Morten Kromberg:
"Why APL Is Still Cool"
Cyril Zeller:
"Introduction to CUDA C"
Joshua Kerievsky:
"Lean Startup: Why It Rocks Far More Than Agile Development"

See also what your peers are saying about QCon in this short video:
"QCon Attendee Testimonials"