Conference: Nov 13-15, 2017
Workshops: Nov 16-17, 2017
Presentation: Designing Calm Technology
Our world is made of information that competes for our attention. What is needed? What is not? We cannot interact with our everyday life in the same way we interact with a desktop computer. The terms calm computing and calm technology were coined in 1995 by PARC Researchers Mark Weiser and John Seely Brown in reaction to the increasing complexities that information technologies were creating. Calm technology describes a state of technological maturity where a user’s primary task is not computing, but being human. The idea behind Calm Technology is to have smarter people, not things. Technology shouldn’t require all of our attention, just some of it, and only when necessary.
How can our devices take advantage of location, proximity and haptics to help improve our lives instead of get in the way? How can designers can make apps “ambient” while respecting privacy and security? This talk will cover how to use principles of Calm Technology to design the next generation of connected devices. We’ll look at notification styles, compressing information into other senses, and designing for the least amount of cognitive overhead.
Monday Nov 7
Architectures You've Always Wondered About
You know the names. Now learn lessons from their architectures
Distributed Systems War Stories
“A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable.” - Lamport.
Containers Everywhere
State of the art in Container deployment, management, scheduling
Art of Relevancy and Recommendations
Lessons on the adoption of practical, real-world machine learning practices. AI & Deep learning explored.
Next Generation Web Standards, Frameworks, and Techniques
JavaScript, HTML5, WASM, and more... innovations targetting the browser
Optimize You
Keeping life in balance is a challenge. Learn lifehacks, tips, & techniques for success.
Tuesday Nov 8
Next Generation Microservices
What will microservices look like in 3 years? What if we could start over?
Java: Are You Ready for This?
Real world lessons & prepping for JDK9. Reactive code in Java today, Performance/Optimization, Where Unsafe is heading, & JVM compile interface.
Big Data Meets the Cloud
Overviews and lessons learned from companies that have implemented their Big Data use-cases in the Cloud
Evolving DevOps
Lessons/stories on optimizing the deployment pipeline
Software Engineering Softskills
Great engineers do more than code. Learn their secrets and level up.
Modern CS in the Real World
Applied, practical, & real-world dive into industry adoption of modern CS ideas
Wednesday Nov 9
Architecting for Failure
Your system will fail. Take control before it takes you with it.
Stream Processing
Stream Processing, Near-Real Time Processing
Bare Metal Performance
Native languages, kernel bypass, tooling - make the most of your hardware
Culture as a Differentiator
The why and how for building successful engineering cultures
//TODO: Security <-- fix this
Building security from the start. Stories, lessons, and innovations advancing the field of software security.
UX Reimagined
Bots, virtual reality, voice, and new thought processes around design. The track explores the current art of the possible in UX and lessons from early adoption.