Video Schedule

We have started to publish the QCon San Francisco 2016 presentations on InfoQ ( an online community site that is a valuable resource of content similar to what you experience at a QCon). You can now share your favorite talk or talks with your colleagues back at work or with your peers. Below you can find the publication calendar:
28 NOV
  1. The History and Future of Wearable Computing and Virtual Experience
  2. Modern Web Security, Lazy but Mindful Like a Fox
  3. What Happens When Data Gets Breached?
  4. The Psychology of Security Automation
  5. Art of Stepping on the Same Rake, Volume 2
  • Amber Case
  • Albert Yu
  • Jarrod Overson
  • Jason Chan
  • Alex Holden
  1. ETL is Dead, Long-live Streams
  2. Exploring the Android APK
  3. What Google Learned about Creating Effective Teams
  4. Mastering Chaos - A Netflix Guide to Microservices
  5. How Slack Works
  • Neha Narkhede
  • Connor Tumbleson
  • Matt Sakaguchi
  • Josh Evans
  • Keith Adams
12 DEC
  1. In-memory Caching: Curb Tail Latency with Pelikan
  2. What Comes After Microservices?
  3. Stranger Things: The Forces that Disrupt Netflix
  4. TensorFlow: A Flexible, Scalable & Portable System
  5. Intuition Engineering
  • Yao Yue
  • Matt Ranney
  • Haley Tucker
  • Rajat Monga
  • Casey Rosenthal
19 DEC
  1. Twitch Plays Pokémon: Twitch's Chat Architecture
  2. Scaling Dropbox
  • John Rizzo
  • Preslav Le
26 DEC
  1. A Dark and Stormy Night: Operational Antipatterns
  2. Load Balancing is Impossible
  • Kiran Bhattaram
  • Tyler McMullen
  1. Building a Microservices Platform with Kubernetes
  2. Mesos: A State-of-the-art Container Orchestrator
  3. The Past, Present, and Future of JavaScript
  4. Elastic Efficient Execution of Varied Containers
  5. Amazon ECS: a Platform to Run Production Containers
  • Matthew Miller
  • Jie Yu
  • Stefan Penner & Jay Phelps & Jafar Husain
  • Sharma Podila
  • Uttara Sridhar
  1. The Art of Relevance and Recommendations
  2. The Node.js Ecosystem in Perspective
  3. Iterative Design for Data Science Projects
  4. Query Understanding: a Manifesto
  5. Scaling Quality On Quora Using Machine Learning
  • Clarence Chio
  • Dan Shaw
  • Bo Peng
  • Daniel Tunkelang
  • Nikhil Garg
16 JAN
  1. Java (SE) State of the Union
  2. Webpack: The One Build Step To Rule Them All
  3. Building Robust Web Applications With RxJS
  4. Scaling Counting Infrastructure @Quora
  5. The Strengths of Ember, Angular & React Explored
  • Gil Tene
  • Sean Larkin & Patrick J. Stapleton
  • Ben Lesh & Matthew J Dapena-Tretter & Paul Taylor & Rob Wormald
  • Chun-Ho Hung & Nikhil Garg
  • Rob Wormald & Lee Byron & Taras Mankovski
23 JAN
  1. Maximizing Human Potential
  2. Meditation Made Simple
  3. Reactive Streams, j.u.concurrent, & Beyond!
  4. Scaling the Data Infrastructure @Spotify
  5. Creating A Culture of Observability at Stripe
  • Vivienne Ming
  • Prakash Raman
  • Konrad Malawski
  • Mārtiņš Kalvāns & Matti Pehrs
  • Cory Watson
30 JAN
  1. Play With Feedback Without Getting Burned
  2. Serverless meets SaaS: The Ultimate Match
  3. Autonomous Operations: Microservices, ML and AI
  4. Keep calm and Carry on: Scaling Your Org
  5. Burnout !!!
  • Kai Mantsch & Angella Okawa
  • Tod Golding
  • Rob Harrop
  • Charity Majors
  • John Willis
  1. Selling Unikernels: The CyberChaff Experience
  2. Java Puzzlers NG S02: Down the Rabbit Hole
  3. The Improvisor's Code: Engineering Your Best Self
  4. Goodbye PrintGCDetails... and other JDK 9 Changes!
  5. Java SE 9: Continuing to Thrive in the Cloud!
  • Adam Wick
  • Baruch Sadogursky & Viktor Gamov
  • Ted DesMaisons & Lisa Rowland
  • Tony Printezis
  • Bernard Traversat
13 FEB
  1. Architecting for Failure in a Containerized World
  2. Make Better Decisions Together
  3. Elastic Big Data Platform @Datadog
  4. Data Science in the Cloud @StitchFix
  5. Petabytes Scale Analytics Infrastructure @Netflix
  • Tom Faulhaber
  • Jake Zukowski
  • Doug Daniels
  • Stefan Krawczyk
  • Tom Gianos & Dan Weeks
20 FEB
  1. Is Managing Men & Women Really That Different?
  2. Incident Management at the Edge
  3. Fundamentals of Stream Processing with Apache Beam
  4. Winston: Helping Netflix Engineers Sleep at Night
  5. Creating a Collaborative Culture between Dev & Ops
  • Mitch Shepard
  • Lisa Phillips
  • Frances Perry & Tyler Akidau
  • Sayli Karmarkar
  • Pedro Canahuati
27 FEB
  1. Better Tests, Less Code: Property Based Testing
  2. Speedup Your Java Apps With Hardware Counters
  3. Social Coding for Effective Teams and Products
  4. Build To Learn: Rapid Prototyping Methods
  5. Building a Debugging Mindset
  • Matt Bachmann
  • Sergey Kuksenko
  • Phil Haack
  • Sara Bayless Da Costa
  • Devon H O'Dell
  1. ScyllaDB: Achieving No-Compromise Performance
  2. Applying Failure Testing Research @Netflix
  3. Next Gen Startup Cultures: Innovating As You Grow
  4. Practical Data Synchronization using CRDTs
  5. Looking Inside a Race Detector
  • Avi Kivity
  • Kolton Andrus & Peter Alvaro
  • Jim Plush
  • Dmitry Ivanov
  • Kavya Joshi
13 MAR
  1. Designing Calm Technology
  2. Migrating to a Fault Tolerant System with Spanner
  3. Automating Chaos Experiments In Production
  4. Go-ing to Rust: Optimizing Storage at Dropbox
  5. Framing Our Potential for Failure
  • Amber Case
  • Edwin Fuquen
  • Ali Basiri
  • Jamie Turner
  • Michelle Brush
20 MAR
  1. Freeing the Whale: How to Fail at Scale
  2. How to Design and Develop in an Inclusive Way
  3. Demistifying DynamoDB Streams
  4. Stream Processing & Analytics with Flink @Uber
  5. Enabling Awesome Engineering Teams
  • Oliver Gould
  • Chris Bush & Molly Watt
  • Akshat Vig & Khawaja Shams
  • Danny Yuan
  • Alexandre Freire
27 MAR
  1. Real Time Recommendations using Spark Streaming
  2. Scaling up Near Real Time Analytics@Uber &LinkedIn
  3. Design Guidelines for Conversational Interfaces
  4. Performance and Search
  5. Further Together: Curated Pairing Culture @Pivotal
  • Elliot Chow
  • Chinmay Soman & Yi Pan
  • Angie Terrell
  • Dan Luu
  • Neha Batra
  1. Taming Complexity with Object-Oriented UX
  • Sophia Voychehovski
Note: These dates are subject to change without notice.