Speaker: Ben Grossman-Kahn

Leadership Transformation, Co-Founder Catalyz, previously Director of @Nordstorm Technology People Lab
Ben has an M.ED in Learning, Design and Technology from Stanford, and is a graduate and former lecturer and coach at the Stanford d.School. Ben has 8 years of experience consulting, facilitating, and leading innovation engagements, programs and teams at Fortune 500 firms, nonprofits and educational institutions. Ben was an early member of the Nordstrom Innovation Lab, Director of the Nordstrom People Lab where he founded Nordstrom’s Innovation Bootcamp program, and Co-Founder with Zachary of the Seattle Design Thinking and Innovation Collective.

Find Ben Grossman-Kahn at

Workshop: Creative Problem Solving: 10x Thinking

Workshop: Human-Centered Software Development



Monday Nov 7

Tuesday Nov 8

Wednesday Nov 9