Speaker: Shane Hastie

Chief Knowledge Engineer @SoftEd & Agile Alliance Board Member
Shane Hastie is the Chief Knowledge Engineer for SoftEd (www.softed.com) a training and consulting company working in Australia, New Zealand and around the world. Since first using XP in 2000 Shane's been passionate about helping organisations and teams adopt Agile practices. Shane leads SoftEd’s Agile Practice, offering training, consulting, mentoring and support for organisations and teams working to improve their project outcomes. Shane has worked with organisations large and small, from individual teams to large transformations all around the world. He draws on over 30 years of practical experience across all levels of Information Technology and software intensive product development. In 2011 he was elected as a Director of the Agile Alliance (www.agilealliance.org). Shane leads the Culture and Methods editorial team for InfoQ.com.

Find Shane Hastie at

Workshop: [SOLD OUT] Working in Distributed Agile Teams

Workshop: [SOLD OUT] Agile Mindset for Business Problems

Workshop: [NEW] Agile Mindset for Business Problems



Monday Nov 7

Tuesday Nov 8

Wednesday Nov 9