- How to Make a Spaceship - Julian Guthrie (Author of "How to Make a Spaceship") & Dan Kreigh (Structural Engineer @ScaledComposites, built the unique "feather" mechanism of SpaceShipOne)
- Vision & Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix Leader - Josh Evans (Senior Director of Platform Service Engineering @ GitHub (Formerly @ Netflix))
- Real-Time Collaborative Editing with CRDTs - Nathan Sobo (Founding Member of the Atom Editor Team @GitHub)
- Engineering Inclusion - Kevin Stewart (VP of Engineering @Heptio)
- Java 9: Tips on Migration and Upgradability - Bernard Traversat (Head of the Java Platform Development Team & VP @Oracle)
- Bias in BigData/AI and ML - Tal Weiss (Co-founder and CEO @OverOps)
- Panel: SQL Over Streams, Ask the Experts - Leslie Miley (Engineering Leadership, previously of Slack, Google, & Apple)
- The Practice & Frontiers of AI Panel - Tyler Akidau (Engineer @Google & Founder/Committer on Apache Beam), Stephan Ewen (Committer @ApacheFlink, CTO @dataArtisans), Michael Armbrust (Initial Author of Apache Spark SQL & Leads Streaming Team @Databricks), Jay Kreps (Co-Founder and CEO @Confluent), Julian Hyde (Original Developer @ApacheCalcite, Co-Founder SQLstream, & Architect @Hortonworks)
- Herding Nulls and Other C# Stories From the Future - Shubha Nabar (Sr. Director @Salesforce Einstein), Chris Moody (Manager of the Applied AI team @StitchFix), Reena Philip (Engineering Manager @Facebook), Melanie Warrick (Senior Developer Advocate for ML and Google Cloud), Kevin Moore (Senior Data Scientist @ Salesforce Einstein), Miju Han (Director of Product @GitHub)
- Attitude Determines Altitude- Engineering Yourself - Randy Shoup (VP Engineering at StitchFix, Previously @Google & @Ebay)
- The Anatomy of a Distributed System - Tyler McMullen (CTO @Fastly)
- From Threat Hunting to Crowd Defense - Richard Zhao (Chief Technology Officer, SVP Research @NSFOCUS)
- Scale @Reddit Triple Team Size w/o Losing Control - Nick Caldwell (VP Engineering @Reddit, Inc.)
- Architecting a Modern Financial Institution - Edward Wible (Founder & CTO @Nubank) & Rafael Ferreira (Senior Software Engineer @Nubank)
- Control Flow Integrity Using Hardware Counters - Jamie Butler (Chief Technology Officer @Endgame) & Cody Pierce (Director of Vulnerability Research @Endgame)
- Grokking Leadership via Mentoring - Ivana Mcconnell (UX Design @CustomerIO. Editorial assistant @OffscreenMag, Runs @FacetsDigest & Our-Origins.com)
- Performance Mythbusting Panel - Monica Beckwith (JVM Perf & previous G1GC Perf Lead @Oracle), Ben Watson (Principal Software Engineer @Microsoft focused on High-Performance .NET), Sergey Kuksenko (Java Performance Engineer @Oracle), Min Ni (Engineering Manager @Instagram), Vinay Chella (Cloud Data Architect @Netflix), Ioannis Papapanagiotou (Senior Software Engineer @Netflix)
- The Evolution of Reddit.com's Architecture - Neil Williams (Leads Infrastructure Team @Reddit)
- Avoiding Alerts Overload from Microservices - Sarah Wells (Principal Engineer @FT (Financial Times))
- Monitoring Modern Architectures with Data Science - Dave Casper (CTO @Moogsoft)
- The Why of Go - Carmen Andoh (Software Engineer on the Build Infrastructure team @TravisCI)
- Towards Memory Safety in Intel SGX Enclave - Yu Ding (Security Scientist @Baidu X-Lab)
- Next Gen Networking Infrastructure with Rust - Carl Lerche (Software Engineer & Rust Contributor)
- Go Programming Language - Dave Cheney (Software Engineer & Core Contributor to Go-lang)
- AI & Security: Lessons and Challenges - Dawn Song (Professor @UCBerkeley, Researching Deep Learning & Security)
- Scaling Slack - Bing Wei (Software Engineer @Slack)
- Making a Bigger Impact: Important Skills to Master - Ariya Hidayat (VP of Engineering @ShapeSecurity & Creator of PhantomJS)
- ML for Question and Answer Understanding @Quora - Nikhil Dandekar (Leads NLP @Quora)
- Service-oriented Development - Rafael Schloming (Co-founder and Chief Architect @Datawire, spec author of the AMQP specification)
- Getting Data Science to Production - Sarah Aerni (Senior Manager, Data Science @Salesforce)
- Polyglot Persistence Powering Microservices - Roopa Tangirala (Engineering Manager @Netflix, Apache Cassandra MVP)
- Fresh Async with Kotlin - Roman Elizarov (Software Engineer Developing Kotlin @JetBrains)
- Performance Beyond Throughput:An OpenJ9 Case Study - Marius Pirvu (Advisory Software Developer @IBM)
- Testing in Production - Quality Software Faster - Michael Bryzek (Co-Founder / CTO @Flow.io., previously Co-Founder / CTO @Gilt)
- NDBench: Benchmarking Microservices at Scale - Vinay Chella (Cloud Data Architect @Netflix) & Ioannis Papapanagiotou (Senior Software Engineer @Netflix)
- Designing Services for Resilience: Netflix Lessons - Nora Jones (Senior Chaos Engineer @Netflix)
- Automating Netflix ML Pipelines with Meson - Davis Shepherd (ML Management @Netflix) & Eugen Cepoi (Senior Software Engineer @Netflix)
- Custom, Complex Windows @Scale Using Apache Flink - Matt Zimmer (Real-time Data Infrastructure Senior Engineer @Netflix)
- CI/CD: Lessons from LinkedIn and Mockito - Szczepan Faber (Mockito Creator, Core Eng Gradle 1.x/2.x, & TechLead @LinkedIn Development Tools)
- You Build It, You Secure It - John Willis (Vice President of Devops and Digital Practices @SJTechnologies)
- Understanding Python Memory at Instagram - Min Ni (Engineering Manager @Instagram)
- Cloud Native Infrastructure with Kubicorn - Kris Nova (Kubernetes Maintainer & Kubicorn Creator)
- Istio - Weaving the Service Mesh - Louis Ryan (Core Contributor Istio, gRPC, & Principal Engineer @Google)
- Debugging Containerized Microservices - Idit Levine (Founder and CEO of solo.io)
- Microservices: Patterns and Practices Panel - Chris Richardson (Java Champion and Author of POJOs in Action), Randy Shoup (VP Engineering at StitchFix, Previously @Google & @Ebay), Louis Ryan (Core Contributor Istio, gRPC, & Principal Engineer @Google), Roopa Tangirala (Engineering Manager @Netflix, Apache Cassandra MVP), Rafael Schloming (Co-founder and Chief Architect @Datawire, spec author of the AMQP specification)
- Data Consistency in Microservice Using Sagas - Chris Richardson (Java Champion and Author of POJOs in Action)
- The ARM to Z of Multi-Architecture Microservices - Christy Norman Perez (Software Developer @IBM) & Christopher Jones (Software Developer @IBM)
- Continuous Optimization of Microservices Using ML - Ramki Ramakrishna (Staff Software Engineer @Twitter)
- You Can and Should Make Hardware - Jeff Williams (Robotics Systems Developer)
- Servlet vs Reactive: Choosing the Right Stack - Rossen Stoyanchev (Spring Framework Committer @Pivotal)
- The Effective Remote Developer - Dave Copeland (Director of Engineering & Senior Most Developer @Stitchfix)
- The Power of Distributed Snapshots in Apache Flink - Stephan Ewen (Committer @ApacheFlink, CTO @dataArtisans)
- The Whole Engineer Panel - Justin Becker (Engineering Manager @Netflix), Dave Copeland (Director of Engineering & Senior Most Developer @Stitchfix), Kevin Stewart (VP of Engineering @Heptio), Anjuan Simmons (Technical Program Manager @Questback)
- Predictive Datacenter Analytics with Strymon - Vasia Kalavri (PMC Member of Apache Flink (Core Developer Graph Processing API) & Postdoctoral researcher at the ETH Zurich Systems group)
- Going Production with Docker and Swarm - Bret Fisher (DevOps / Cloud Engineer)
- Streaming SQL Foundations: Why I ♥ Streams+Tables - Tyler Akidau (Engineer @Google & Founder/Committer on Apache Beam)
- Managing Data in Microservices - Randy Shoup (VP Engineering at StitchFix, Previously @Google & @Ebay)
- Serverless & GraphQL - Jared Short (Director of Innovation @Trek10)
- Expedia's Journey toward Site Resiliency - Sahar Samiei (Senior Product Manager @Expedia) & Willie Wheeler (Principal Application Engineer @Expedia)
- Managing the Docker Change - Disrupt and Innovate - Tim Tyler (Principal Solutions Engineer @MetLife)
- Kubernetes Superpower - Sarah Novotny (Head of Open Source Strategy for GCP @Google)
- Data Decisions with Real-Time Stream Processing - Serhat Yilmaz (Software Engineer @Facebook)
- $200 Self-Driving Cars with RasPi and Tensorflow - William Roscoe (Lead Engineer @Ceres Imaging) & Adam Conway (Product Management and Marketing @Datacoral)
- Chaos: The Last Stand against Our Robot Overlords - Nathan Äschbacher (Chief Technology Officer @PolySync)
- Am I a Brilliant Jerk? - Justin Becker (Engineering Manager @Netflix)
- Rethinking Applications for the NVM Era - Amitabha Roy (Software Engineer @Google)
- Securing Serverless by Breaking in - Guy Podjarny (Co-founder @Snyk.io)
- Leadership Lessons from the Agile Manifesto - Anjuan Simmons (Technical Program Manager @Questback)
- TensorFlow: Pushing the ML Boundaries - Magnus Hyttsten (TensorFlow Developer Advocate @Google)
- Solving HTTP Problems with Code and Protocols - Natasha Rooney (W3C Advisory Board, Stack Evolution Board IETA, & Engineering Director @GSMA)
- Rethinking Deep Learning: Neural Compute Stick - Darren Crews (Principal Engineer @Intel working on Deep Learning)
- Chaos Engineering on a Budget - Heather Nakama (Software Engineer @Microsoft - Azure Search)
- Programming the Network Data Plane - Changhoon Kim (Director of System Architecture @Barefoot Networks)
- Incident Management at Netflix Velocity - Dave Hahn (Sr SRE, Reliability and Chaos Engineering @Netflix)
- Scaling Marketplaces at Thumbtack - Nate Kupp (Technical Infrastructure Lead @Thumbtack)
- Category Theory for the Working Hacker - Philip Wadler (Haskell, Type Theory, & Functional Programming Theory Contributor)
- With Great Scalability Comes Great Responsibility - Dana Engebretson (Performance Engineer @SPS Commerce)
- Building Great Engineer Cultures from 0 to Scale - Marty Weiner (CTO @Reddit, formerly 2nd engineer @Pinterest)
- Gaining Control with the Web Animations API - Dan Wilson (Web Engineer @MutualMobile)
- Scaling Culture Change with Ally Skills - Valerie Aurora (Software Engineer & Diversity and Inclusion Consultant)
- The Art of Chaos Engineering Panel - Adrian Cockcroft (VP Cloud Architecture Strategy @AWSCloud & Microservices Pioneer), Kolton Andrus (Founder of Gremlin Inc, former Netflix), Dave Hahn (Sr SRE, Reliability and Chaos Engineering @Netflix), Sahar Samiei (Senior Product Manager @Expedia), Willie Wheeler (Principal Application Engineer @Expedia), Nathan Äschbacher (Chief Technology Officer @PolySync, Heather Nakama(Software Engineer @Microsoft - Azure Search)
- Engineering Engineering Culture with Memes - Bruce Johnson (Founder and COO @FullStory)
- Serverless IoT @iRobot - Ben Kehoe (Cloud Robotics Research Scientist @iRobot)
- The WebAssembly Revolution Has Begun - Jay Phelps (Senior Software Engineer @Netflix)
- Chaos Architecture - Adrian Cockcroft (VP Cloud Architecture Strategy @AWSCloud & Microservices Pioneer)
- Streamlining Online Checkout Using Web Standards - Michel Weksler (Software Engineer @Airbnb)
- Abstractions to Help Developers Write Good Crypto - Isaac Potoczny-Jones (Founder @Tozny & Authentication and Privacy Specialist)
- Go beyond Native with Web-Based VR and AR - Kieran Farr (Senior Director @Brightcove)
- Diversity & Inclusion in Tech: A Panel Discussion - Karen Casella (Engineering Leader @Netflix, previously @EBay & @Sun), Randy Shoup (VP Engineering at StitchFix, Previously @Google & @Ebay), Karen Catlin (Advocate for Women in Tech, Former VP OF Eng, Adobe), Susan Nesbitt (Head of Business Development @ Make School), Steve Johnson(Vice President of Product Design & Creative @Netflix)