Presentations about JavaScript

RxJS: A Better Way to Write Frontend Applications

npm and the Future of JavaScript
npm and the Future of JavaScript
Can you tell me more about what your talk is about?
I'll talk more about server-side stuff, and I’ll emphasize Node. We've found that the security message is important to people, so there will be quite a bit there. There's been this huge shift in how JavaScript is used and enterprises are only just beginning to catch up to that. There are many people working on JavaScript, and they're not just throwing script tags into web pages. They are writing huge chunks of very valuable IP for you.
Who is your target audience?
It's a talk that I've stopped giving at JavaScript-focused conferences because it's mostly landed now, but at an enterprise, heavy-Java background conference like this, I would probably step back a couple of years in terms of the focus of the talk. You should be taking JavaScript seriously because it's a huge part of your budget.