Presentations about *-lang
TypeScript for Enterprise Developers
Building a Reliable Cloud Based Bank in Java
Developing Great Web APIs Architectures w/ ASP.NET Core 2.1
The Most Secure Program Is One That Doesn’t Exist
3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Designing Languages
WebAssembly: Neither Web Nor Assembly, But Revolutionary
Is It Time to Rewrite the Operating System in Rust?
npm and the Future of JavaScript
Learning to Love Type Systems
Brewing Java Applications in Sigma Managed Clusters
Kotlin: Write Once, Run (Actually) Everywhere
Go - A Key Language in Enterprise Application Development?
CLR/CoreCLR: How We Got Here & Where We're Going
CLR/CoreCLR: How We Got Here & Where We're Going
The JDK in 2018: What's Here, and What's Next
21st Century Languages Panel
21st Century Languages Panel
21st Century Languages Panel
21st Century Languages Panel
21st Century Languages Panel
Ballerina - Cloud Native Programming Language
Advanced Ultimate Go
Building a Reliable Cloud Based Bank in Java
When you selected Java to build a modern, cloud-based architecture for Starling, is it correct to say that you went for the guarantee of Java's longevity rather than for the rapid iteration cycle you might get from a smaller, more opinionated language?
Yes, absolutely. Our aim and focus are much more long-term than many startups, and because of that, we are prioritizing the aspect of reliability. This goes to the heart of my talk. We want to guarantee stability because we will be around in years to come.
Why Java in particular?
There were two key reasons that we chose Java.