Presentations about Database

Lead Developer/Committer FoundationDB
Evan Tschannen
Transaction Processing in FoundationDB

CTO @VividCortex
Baron Schwartz
DevOps For The Database

Senior Software Engineer @Netflix
Lavanya Kanchanapalli
Crisis to Calm: Story of Data Validation @ Netflix

Co-Founder / CTO @planetscaledata & Co-Creator @vitessio
Sugu Sougoumarane
Massively scaling MySQL using Vitess

Sr. Software Engineer @WePay
Joy Gao
The Whys and Hows of Database Streaming

Director of Developer Evangelism @fauna
Chris Anderson
Deterministic Global Database Consistency

Software Engineer @neo4j
William Lyon
Fullstack Graph Applications With Neo4j

MySQL Principal Sales Consultant
Nicolas DeRico