
Moving past decomposing the monolith, companies are discovering there are many changes in running Microservices. Everything from observability to team structure is changed in the long term when it comes to successfully running microservices. Operationalizing Microservices is all about running and maintaining services.

Position on the Adoption Curve

Presentations about Microservices

Core Contributor @IstioMesh & Founding Engineer @tetrateio. Previously Software Engineer @Google Zack Butcher

Connecting, Managing, Observing, and Securing Services

Service Engineering @SlackHQ Holly Allen

Service Ownership @Slack

CEO and co-founder @LightStepHQ, Co-creator @OpenTracing API standard Ben Sigelman

What We Got Wrong: Lessons From the Birth of Microservices

Global Technology Manager @RedisLabs Vick Kelkar

Redis for Microservices Using Kubernetes

Developer Advocate @couchbase Hod Greeley

Autonomous Microservices

Architect @Cognitect & Author of the Best Seller "Release It!" Michael Nygard

Architecture Without an End State

Advisory Platform Architect @Pivotal Adib Saikali

Microservices Full-Day Build Spring

Advisory Platform Architect @pivotal Anand Rao

Microservices Full-Day Build Spring

Advisory Platform Architect @Pivotal Adib Saikali

Microservices Security (Afternoon Section)

Advisory Platform Architect @pivotal Anand Rao

Microservices Security (Afternoon Section)

Principal Data Architect @Confluent, PMC Member @Kafka, & Committer Apache Sqoop Gwen Shapira

Build Event-Driven Microservices with Apache Kafka (Morning Section)

Advisory Platform Architect @Pivotal Adib Saikali

Microservices Security (Morning Section)

Advisory Platform Architect @pivotal Anand Rao

Microservices Security (Morning Section)

Principal Data Architect @Confluent, PMC Member @Kafka, & Committer Apache Sqoop Gwen Shapira

Build Event-Driven Microservices with Apache Kafka (Afternoon Section)


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