Engineering Productivity

Companies need to balance between rapid feature development and long-term product sustainability, and engineers are taking on more left-shifted, cognitive load as their features intersect with user privacy, security, accessibility, and regulations. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to Engineering Productivity, especially as market, scaling, and economic demands influence prioritization. What approaches, philosophies, and techniques have companies and products at very different points in their overall lifecycle successfully applied to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of development?

From this track

Session Productivity

Productivity Lessons in Moving from Big Tech to Scaling a Startup

Tuesday Nov 19 / 10:35AM PST

Most productivity research happens in large tech companies. Many of the lessons learned there apply to the world of Startups as well, but some don't carry over.

Speaker image - Rachel Potvin

Rachel Potvin

SVP Eng with 25 Years in Tech, Previously @Google and @GitHub, Engineering Leader Focused on Building Productive Happy Teams

Session Engineering productivity

Inflection Points in Engineering Productivity as Amazon Grew 30x

Tuesday Nov 19 / 11:45AM PST

I joined Amazon in 2009, when we were a 3000-engineer company, and got to experience its fast growth from 3k to 90k engineers over a 15-yr period. During that time, our engineering productivity needs had a number of interesting inflection points.

Speaker image - Carlos Arguelles

Carlos Arguelles

Senior Principal Engineer @Amazon, 27 Years Experience in Developer Productivity Engineering, Previously @Google and @Microsoft


Security or Convenience - Why Not Both?

Tuesday Nov 19 / 01:35PM PST

Traditionally, security is all about creating obstacles and making it difficult to access data. This is at odds with our drive for a more smooth and faster development process. How can we keep the software we’re building secure without adding friction for engineers?

Speaker image - Dorota Parad

Dorota Parad

CEO @Authress, Product and Team Builder, Test Enthusiast

Session Research

Supporting Engineering Productivity for All

Tuesday Nov 19 / 02:45PM PST

Understanding what drives software development productivity is the key to making high-impact investments in engineering productivity.

Speaker image - Emerson  Murphy-Hill

Emerson Murphy-Hill

Research Scientist at the Intersection of Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction, Former Googler and Professor

Session Engineering Efficiency

Shifting Left for Better Engineering Efficiency

Tuesday Nov 19 / 03:55PM PST

In this presentation, I will share two critical migration stories - one focuses on production monitoring and the other on production deployments with automated validations.

Speaker image - Ying Dai

Ying Dai

Principal Software Engineer @Roblox, Working on Improving Engineering Efficiency. Previously @Google & @LinkedIn

Session AI/LLMs

Slack's AI-Powered, Hybrid Approach for Large-Scale Migration from Enzyme to React Testing Library

Tuesday Nov 19 / 05:05PM PST

With the Enzyme test framework no longer supporting React 18, migrating to React Testing Library (RTL) became imperative.

Speaker image - Sergii Gorbachov

Sergii Gorbachov

Staff Software Engineer @Slack, Specializing in AI-Driven Tools for Automating Code Migrations and Test Authorship

Track Host

Jennifer Bevan

Senior Staff Software Engineer @Google, Previously at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Jennifer Bevan has spent the past 17 years at Google, developing testing infrastructure and tools to improve products and the end-user experience. A graduate of both UC Berkeley (B.S., EE/CS) and UC Santa Cruz (Ph.D, Software Evolution & Maintenance), and 7 years at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Jennifer turned an interest in how software systems can maintain adaptability over time into a career in Engineering Productivity. She has worked within developer tools, product testing, and platform testing, with a more recent focus on privacy and regulatory compliance.

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