Industry practitioners and technical product managers from leading vendors demonstrate solutions to some of today's toughest software development challenges in the areas of Architecture, DevOps, Big Data, software delivery, scalability, and more.
From this track
Four Steps to Unlocking Your Ability to Deploy Multiple Times a Day
Monday Oct 24 / 11:50AM PDT
Are you a team looking to deploy more frequently or implement Continuous Delivery? In this talk, we’ll walk you through four pragmatic and actionable steps to transform how your team delivers software so you can deploy to production many times a day.

Dylan Etkin
CEO & Co-Founder @Sleuth
Engineering an API First Product
Monday Oct 24 / 04:10PM PDT
The technical decisions that go into the development of an application for the web are broad and complex.

Troy Goode
Founder & Ceo @Courier
Open Source Your Software Development Lifecycle
Monday Oct 24 / 05:25PM PDT
Open source software is increasingly becoming the number one choice for software developers worldwide because it's considered best in class for its improved security, extensibility and customization, and high-quality tooling.

Andrew Zigler
Developer Advocate @Mattermost