In this panel we will bring experienced Staff-Plus Engineers to discuss key topics to help you in your career path:
- What skills you need to develop if you want to be a successful Staff-Plus Engineer
- What can you expect when you reach Staff-Plus status
- How companies can support and incentivize professionals that want to stay in the technical career
- How the future of the industry can be shaped by providing a clear technical career path

Eder Ignatowicz
Principal Software Engineer and Architect @RedHat, previously Chair @QConSaoPaulo
Eder is a Principal Software Engineer and Tech Lead for Red Hat Business Automation, leading several tooling efforts, including the Kogito initiative. Java Champion since 2017 and a recognized community contributor and speaker in large conferences across the globe, including Red Hat Summit and Forum, Oracle Code One, QCons, The Developers Conference, and multiple community events. Eder has also been part of the QCon Sao Paulo program committee since 2014 and became QCon SP conference chair in 2018.

Charity Majors
CTO @Honeycombio, Previously engineer & manager @Facebook @Parse & @Linden Lab
Charity is the cofounder and CTO at, which pioneered observability. She has worked at companies like Facebook, Parse, and Linden Lab as an engineer and manager, but always seems to end up responsible for the databases. She loves free speech, free software and single malts.
Find Charity Majors at:

Akhilesh Gupta
Principal Software Engineer @LinkedIn, previously Lead Engineer @Uber
Akhilesh is the technical lead for LinkedIn's real-time delivery infrastructure and consumer facing platforms like Messaging, Search & Profile. He has been working on the revamp of LinkedIn’s offerings to ultra-reliable, real-time experiences. Before this, he was leading engineering for Ride Experience at Uber Technologies in San Francisco. He holds a Master's degree in CS from Stanford University.
Find Akhilesh Gupta at:

Katharine Jarmul
Principal Data Scientist @Thoughtworks
Katharine Jarmul is a Principal Data Scientist at Thoughtworks Germany focusing on privacy, ethics and security for data science workflows. Previously, she has held numerous roles at large companies and startups in the US and Germany, implementing data processing and machine learning systems with a focus on reliability, testability, privacy and security. She is a passionate and internationally recognized data scientist, programmer, and lecturer.