Staff+ Engineer Path

What skills do you need to develop if you want to stay on the technical track to technical lead, staff, or principal? What can you expect when you reach the Staff-Plus status? Will you still code?

While the management track has a plethora of books, courses, company training, and very clear expectations, the Staff-Plus Engineer path still does not receive the same level of support or clarity.

In this track, we will discuss what is expected from a Staff-Plus engineer, the leadership skills needed, the secrets to follow this path, how companies can be prepared to support Staff-Plus engineers, and why the future of our industry depends on it.

From this track

Session Staff Plus Engineering

The Secret to Finding Impactful Projects to Land a Staff-Plus Engineer Role

Wednesday Oct 26 / 10:35AM PDT

So, you want to be a Staff-Plus Engineer at your organization. Are you one of a hundred engineers vying for that big new shiny project to get you there?

Speaker image - Akhilesh Gupta

Akhilesh Gupta

Principal Software Engineer @LinkedIn, previously Lead Engineer @Uber

Session Staff Plus Engineering

How Community Engagement Can Boost Your Staff-Plus Career

Wednesday Oct 26 / 11:50AM PDT

How does someone become a successful Staff-Plus Engineer? It is probably a mix of technical skills and having the right opportunities. But what if you don't have access to the best opportunities or the right contacts?

Speaker image - Eder Ignatowicz

Eder Ignatowicz

Principal Software Engineer and Architect @RedHat, previously Chair @QConSaoPaulo

Session Staff Plus Engineering

The Engineer/Manager Pendulum

Wednesday Oct 26 / 01:40PM PDT

Should you be a manager? Or should you be an engineer? The old wisdom used to say that you should pick a lane and stick to it, but this is bad advice.

Speaker image - Charity Majors

Charity Majors

CTO @Honeycombio, Previously engineer & manager @Facebook @Parse & @Linden Lab

Session Staff Plus Engineering

Unraveling Techno-Solutionism: How I Fell Out of Love with “Ethical” Machine Learning

Wednesday Oct 26 / 02:55PM PDT

As a Staff-Plus Engineer, I’ve had plenty of learning moments in my career where I realized my view of a problem was hindered by my own desire to solve it with technology.

Speaker image - Katharine Jarmul

Katharine Jarmul

Principal Data Scientist @Thoughtworks


The Staff-Plus Engineer Path Panel

Wednesday Oct 26 / 04:10PM PDT

In this panel we will bring experienced Staff-Plus Engineers to discuss key topics to help you in your career path:

Speaker image - Eder Ignatowicz

Eder Ignatowicz

Principal Software Engineer and Architect @RedHat, previously Chair @QConSaoPaulo

Speaker image - Charity Majors

Charity Majors

CTO @Honeycombio, Previously engineer & manager @Facebook @Parse & @Linden Lab

Speaker image - Akhilesh Gupta

Akhilesh Gupta

Principal Software Engineer @LinkedIn, previously Lead Engineer @Uber

Speaker image - Katharine Jarmul

Katharine Jarmul

Principal Data Scientist @Thoughtworks


Wednesday Oct 26 / 09:00AM PDT


Track Host

Fabiane Nardon

Data Scientist, Java Champion & CTO @tail_oficia

Fabiane is a computer scientist with many years of experience in large information systems with huge amounts of data. She was chief architect of the Sao Paulo Healthcare Information System, considered the largest JavaEE application in the world and winner of the 2005 Duke's Choice Award. She leaded several communities, including the JavaTools Community at, where 800+ open source projects were born. She is a frequent speaker at conferences in Brazil, her home country, and abroad, including JavaOne, OSCON, Jfokus, DockerCon, JustJava, QCon and more. She is also author of several technical articles and was in the program committee of conferences as JavaOne, OSCON, TDC and QCon. She was chosen a Java Champion by Sun Microsystems as a recognition of her contribution to the Java ecosystem. Currently, she works as CTO at Tail where she is helping to shape new disruptive Data Science based services.

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