Track Host: Fabiane Nardon

She / her / hers

Data Scientist, Java Champion & CTO @tail_oficia

Fabiane is a computer scientist with many years of experience in large information systems with huge amounts of data. She was chief architect of the Sao Paulo Healthcare Information System, considered the largest JavaEE application in the world and winner of the 2005 Duke's Choice Award. She leaded several communities, including the JavaTools Community at, where 800+ open source projects were born. She is a frequent speaker at conferences in Brazil, her home country, and abroad, including JavaOne, OSCON, Jfokus, DockerCon, JustJava, QCon and more. She is also author of several technical articles and was in the program committee of conferences as JavaOne, OSCON, TDC and QCon. She was chosen a Java Champion by Sun Microsystems as a recognition of her contribution to the Java ecosystem. Currently, she works as CTO at Tail where she is helping to shape new disruptive Data Science based services.

Find Fabiane Nardon at:


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Wednesday Oct 26 / 09:00AM PDT
