Speaker: Eder Ignatowicz

He / him / his

Principal Software Engineer and Architect @RedHat, previously Chair @QConSaoPaulo

Eder is a Principal Software Engineer and Tech Lead for Red Hat Business Automation, leading several tooling efforts, including the Kogito initiative. Java Champion since 2017 and a recognized community contributor and speaker in large conferences across the globe, including Red Hat Summit and Forum, Oracle Code One, QCons, The Developers Conference, and multiple community events. Eder has also been part of the QCon Sao Paulo program committee since 2014 and became QCon SP conference chair in 2018.

Find Eder Ignatowicz at:


How Community Engagement Can Boost Your Staff-Plus Career

How does someone become a successful Staff-Plus Engineer? It is probably a mix of technical skills and having the right opportunities. But what if you don't have access to the best opportunities or the right contacts?

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Wednesday Oct 26 / 11:50AM PDT ( 50 minutes )


Ballroom BC


Staff Plus Engineering Community Engagement Developer Communities People and Culture People Skills



The Staff-Plus Engineer Path Panel

In this panel we will bring experienced Staff-Plus Engineers to discuss key topics to help you in your career path:

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Wednesday Oct 26 / 04:10PM PDT ( 50 minutes )


Seacliff ABC
