Presentation: "Deliver early and often - there is no excuse!"

Time: Thursday 16:50 - 17:50

Location: Concordia

Abstract: In terms of delivering early and often the situation for many large and complex projects is troubling at best. While each iteration might end up with a release to a test environment the software does not reach production. In some cases it might take more than a year before the system finally hits real users using the software to solve real problems. Excuses are many: Contract, Legal, Hardware or simply the idea that an enormous amount of functionality is needed to establish a minimal marketable feature set. But do we truly understand the consequences of this and the economic aspect of having to wait more than 12 month before our system generates actual business value and real feedback? Have we made it clear to our customers and do we really believe in it ourselves? Are our excuses valid or a result of fear, distrust, sub optimization or hidden agendas?

While early and often delivery is almost taken for granted in Agile software development these days. Reality is that many teams are still a long way from releasing code to production! In this session Jesper will take a look at the reasons behind late Agile delivery and share some real life experiences dealing with both successful and unsuccessful attempts to try to change the situation. We will take a look at some of the techniques that proved helpful in changing the situation and what did not work, and dive into some of the theory behind Agile development to help us better understand the true consequences of ignoring these basic principles.

Jesper Boeg, Agile Coach and Trifork Software Pilot

 Jesper  Boeg Jesper has worked as an Agile and Lean coach for more than 5 years and is now in charge of the ”Agile Excellence” department at Trifork. He has a Masters degree from Aalborg University in the area of Information Systems and wrote his thesis on how to successfully manage distributed software teams.
Jesper helps organizations adopt Agile and Lean principles with a strong focus on understanding “why”. He has a reputation for being honest and straight forward, and has a firm belief that change management is much more about people than process. Jesper has a strong passion for Lean Product Development and continuously emphasizes that one must look at the entire software delivery system to guide success. He believes that trust is best established through transparency in the entire organization and that most problems are about communication.
Context Based Strategically Aligned Agility have been keywords for Jesper’s work lately. It is his experience that to create lasting change, organizations cannot rely on Best Practice rule sets, but must put effort into  understanding “why” and aligning Agile principles with the overall business strategy. Otherwise they will quickly revert to former practices when faced with difficulty and restrict themselves from great improvement opportunities.
Jesper regularly speaks at Agile and Lean conferences. He is member of the GOTO Program Advisory Board and has served as trackhost on numerous GOTO and QCon conferences

Twitter: @J_Boeg
Video presentations: Raising the Bar: Super Optimizing Your Agile Implementation Using Kanban and Lean, Kanban - Crossing the Line, Pushing the Limit or Rediscovering the Agile Vision?