Presentation: "Eventually consistent HTTP services with statebox"

Time: Wednesday 14:05 - 15:05

Location: City


In order to build low-latency and high availability services over HTTP, Mochi Media has migrated to an eventually consistent data model. Riak provides the foundation, but does not provide any strategy to resolve conflicts with concurrent updates other than "last write wins" or "build it yourself". Rather than waiting for someone else to do it, we built our own abstraction that simplifies the process of building it yourself.

statebox is the open source library that we've built for automatic conflict resolution of several eventually consistent data structures such as sets, dictionaries, and counters. It also provides facilities to develop your own, given that certain constraints are satisfied. In this session you'll learn about the implementation of statebox and the applications we have built with it.

Bob Ippolito, CTO and cofounder of Mochi Media, Inc.

 Bob  Ippolito

Bob Ippolito is CTO and cofounder of Mochi Media, (now a subsidiary of Shanda Games) and creator of Mochi Web. Bob started using Erlang in 2006 to prototype an ad server, and it quickly became the de facto platform for building servers at Mochi. Bob's open source contributions to the Erlang community include mochiweb, statebox, egeoip and kvc.

Twitter: @etrepum