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Adrian Cockcroft, Netflix Cloud Architect
Over the last three years Adrian has managed and architected development of personalization algorithms for the Netflix web site and TV based devices, refactoring code into middle tier services, and development of a new personalization platform optimized for the cloud. He recently moved to the Cloud Systems group, with a focus on performance monitoring and analysis tools.
Adrian is probably best known as the author of several books while a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems: Sun Performance and Tuning; Resource Management; and Capacity Planning for Web Services. He was also a founding member of eBay Research Labs, where he contributed to the Skype Java API and built mobile application prototypes.
Twitter: @adrianco
Presentation: "Netflix in the Global Cloud"
Friday 10:35 - 11:35
Abstract: Netflix migrated its website and streaming service from a conventional
datacenter implementation to the Amazon public cloud during 2009-2010. For
2011 Netflix is making a back-end migration from SimpleDB to Apache
Cassandra, cutting the connection to the Datacenter, and re-tooling the
architecture to build a fully internationalized and globally distributed
product. By leveraging multiple AWS regions, Netflix is able to rapidly
deploy services anywhere in the world, primarily using Apache Cassandra to
manage highly available wide area replication.
In this talk, Netflix' Cloud Architect Adrian Cockcroft will discuss how the
Netflix cloud architecture takes advantage of almost every feature of AWS,
and is optimized for running in a highly automated global environment with
ephemeral instances, non-deterministic performance, and agile deployment