Workshop: React 101 Workshop




9:00am - 12:00pm


Participants should be thoroughly familiar with JavaScript, including ES2015
Participants will need to bring their own laptops
For Front-End Engineers, React is as essential to know as jQuery. You can easily build declarative UI components that work well for large and small projects alike.
In this workshop you will learn the basics of React as well as how to think differently about data and state. You will learn:
  • Declarative Components
  • JSX
  • Rendering to the DOM
  • Reusing Components
  • Functional Programming with React
  • Managing State and User Input
  • Integrating with External API's

Speaker: Freddy Rangel

React Commiter, Frontend Dev @HelloSign, & Author of React Under the Hood

Freddy Rangel is a Front-End Engineer at HelloSign, contributor to React, and author or “React Under the Hood: A Beginner’s Guide” as well as the upcoming book “React: The Good Parts.” You can follow Freddy on Twitter at @frangel85.

Find Freddy Rangel at



Monday Nov 7

Tuesday Nov 8

Wednesday Nov 9