Presentation: ScyllaDB: Achieving No-Compromise Performance


4:10pm - 5:00pm



A little more than a year ago, ScyllaDB burst upon the NoSQL scene, providing Apache Cassandra compatibility with ten times the throughput on similar hardware, as well as lower latency and jitter.

This talk will cover the many design decisions that led to this achievement, from the programming language and programming model, through low-level details like the memory management scheme and networking stack, and up to the advanced cache design.

In this talk, we will cover:

  • How to max out SSDs capable of serving hundreds of thousands of I/O operations per second,
  • How to fully utilize machines with dozens of cores, How to bypass kernel bottlenecks,
  • How to ensure that every byte of memory is utilized efficiently,

and much more.

Speaker: Avi Kivity

CTO & Co-Founder ScyllaDB, Creator of KVM

Avi Kivity, CTO of ScyllaDB, is known mostly for starting the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) project, the hypervisor underlying many production clouds. He has worked for Qumranet and Red Hat as KVM maintainer until December 2012. Avi is now CTO of ScyllaDB, a company that is bringing the same kind of innovation to the NoSQL space.

Find Avi Kivity at

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