Speaker: Yi Pan

PMC Member/Commiter @SamzaStream & Distributed Systems Engineer @Linkedin
Yi Pan has worked in the distributed platforms for Internet applications for 8 years. He started in Yahoo! on Yahoo!'s NoSQL database project, leading the development of multiple features, such as real-time notification of database updates, secondary index, and live-migration from legacy systems to NoSQL database. He joined and led the distributed Cloud Messaging System project later, which is used heavily as a pub-sub and transaction logs for distributed databases in Yahoo!. From 2014, he joined LinkedIn and has quickly become the lead of Samza team in LinkedIn and a Committer and PMC member in Apache Samza.

Find Yi Pan at

Talk: Scaling up Near Real Time Analytics@Uber &LinkedIn

Other talks from the same track

PMC Member/Commiter @SamzaStream & Staff software Engineer @Uber
Senior Software Engineer @Amazon
VP of Engineering Amazon's @ElementalTech, previously Head of Engineering NoSQL @AWSCloud
Engineer @ Google & Founder/Committer on Apache Beam
Engineer @ Google & Founder/Committer on Apache Beam



Monday Nov 7

Tuesday Nov 8

Wednesday Nov 9