Speaker: Daniel Tunkelang

Data Scientist, Author of "Faceted Search"
Daniel Tunkelang is a data science and engineering executive who has built and led some of the strongest teams in the software industry. He currently advises and consults for various companies on search and discovery. He studied computer science and math at MIT and has a PhD in computer science from CMU. He was a founding employee and chief scientist of Endeca, a search pioneer that Oracle acquired for $1.1B. He then led a local search team at Google. After than, he was a director of data science and engineering at LinkedIn, and he established their query understanding team. Daniel is a recognized writer and speaker. He is frequently invited to speak at academic and industry conferences, particularly in the areas of information retrieval, web science, and data science. He wrote the definitive textbook on faceted search (now a standard for ecommerce sites), established an annual symposium on human-computer interaction and information retrieval, and authored 24 US patents.

Find Daniel Tunkelang at

Talk: Query Understanding: a Manifesto

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Monday Nov 7

Tuesday Nov 8

Wednesday Nov 9