Presentation: Tuning a Runtime for Both Productivity and Performance

Track: Bare Knuckle Performance

Location: Pacific LMNO

Duration: 4:10pm - 5:00pm

Day of week: Tuesday

Level: Advanced

Persona: Developer

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Developers generally enjoy increased productivity when working in a managed code environment. What might not be obvious to them is the amount of investment in the managed code’s Virtual Machine to enable both productivity and high performance. Microsoft’s .NET team would like to share how they designed the runtime environment to balance convenience, fast startup, serviceability, low latency, high throughput. For examples services such as JIT compilation, TypeSystem, garbage collection all provide convenience but come at a cost. The challenges presented are common to many environments – you do not need to be a .NET developer to attend this talk.

Speaker: Jared Parsons

Principal Developer Lead on C# Language Team @Microsoft

Developer on the C# compiler and member of the C# language design team. Have a strong passion for developer tools and infrastructure. 

Find Jared Parsons at

Speaker: Mei-Chin Tsai

Principal Dev Manager for .NET Language and Runtime @Microsoft

Mei-Chin Tsai is Principal Group Software Engineer Manager at Microsoft. Her team owns C#/VB compilers and .NET runtime (often referred as CLR). Many of .NET innovation has been successful over her watch/supervision such as .NET native (a pure ahead of time compiler) and low allocation APIs (Span<T> and Memory<T>). She is passionate about making developers successful through languages and through a performing runtime. 

Find Mei-Chin Tsai at

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