
Cross Platform Mobile App Development Tools Landscape

Cross Platform Mobile App Development Tools Landscape

Marina Room
Tuesday, 10:30am - 11:20am

Write once, run anywhere, for mobile and tablet.


Managing multiple codebases for Android, iOS, mobile and tablet, quickly leads to numerous permutations and slows releases for updates and improvements. The promise of a single code base for mobile and tablet apps is one that has led to the recent creation of hundreds of development tools and frameworks. The result is hybrid native apps based on HTML5, Javascript and CSS, wrapped up to 'feel native.'


This talk will provide a comprehensive overview of all the various tools and frameworks available that make up mobile app architectures. The strengths and weaknesses of several of them will be explored, as well as real-world examples of consumer and enterprise apps using the various architectures.

Alex.gaber's picture
Alex Gaber, is an API Evangelist for Layer 7 Technologies a company that manages over 300 APIs spanning enterprises and government. Starting as a software developer 18 years ago, Alex grew up in Silicon Valley and is an active member in the hackathon and developer community. He has a passion for building web and mobile applications that integrate numerous APIs and to create innovative and unique solutions.