
Take your website from the Information Super Highway to the Information Super Jet stream

Take your website from the Information Super Highway to the Information Super Jet stream

Marina Room
Wednesday, 1:35pm - 2:25pm

You have optimized your web servers to be super fast, you have tweaked the DB to squeeze the best performance out of the hardware, the payload sent to the browser is as optimized as possible. Do you know if you are delivering a good experience to your customers? How do you know if a developer's change will undo some of your optimization? We will explain how at Salesforce.com we use a simple piece of JavaScript in the browser to monitor and make sure that the UI is incredibly fast and alert us when it is not.

Eric.Perret's picture
Eric Perret is the lead UI performance engineer at Salesforce.com, where he spends his days and nights working with teams to making the web products fast and advocating performance best practices. What drives Eric is his particular interested in how computers can be leveraged to enhance the productivity of employees through the automation of tasks. Whenever not thinking about web and UI performance, Eric can be found hiking, cooking and exploring the world through photography. “I don't create new and cutting edge technology, instead I take the existing best practices and technologies available and leverage them to create the greatest well rounded sites possible”. – Eric Perret