
Creating iOS Apps in Objective-C

Creating iOS Apps in Objective-C

Seacliff A

This is a full-day tutorial in writing iOS apps using the Xcode IDE on Macintosh. An iPhone or iPad app is made of intercommunicating objects. Learn to create and destroy the objects and send them messages in the language Objective-C. Use them to draw text and graphics on the screen, respond to a touch or keystroke, perform simple animations, and display controls such as buttons and sliders.   We concentrate on three iOS design patterns. (1) A control object can call a method of its "target" object in response to a touch. (2) An object can call a method of its "delegate" object in response to a changing situation, e.g., upon reaching the end of an audio file during a playback. (3) A "view controller" can manage the view object underneath it, and forms the connection between the view and the other objects in the app.