
Making the most of Lambdas - Advanced Functional Programming Concepts for any language

Making the most of Lambdas - Advanced Functional Programming Concepts for any language

Seacliff D

As evidenced by the inclusion of lambdas a wide array of programming languages such as PHP, Mathematica, JavaScript, Java 8, Scala, Clojure, C#, Visual Basic, Objective-C, ... functional languages represent the leading edge of programming language design. In particular the pure and lazy functional language Haskell provides Petri dish-like setting in which new programming concepts are introduced and studied.

In this tutorial we will build upon the highly popular Channel 9 Functional Programming Lectures (http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~gmh/book.html) and focus on a number of more advanced topics in fundamentalist functional programming such as cata-, ana-, hylo- and other morphisms, monads, thinking with types, juggling with code, and show how these skills can be applied in making you a better hacker no matter what language you use in your day job.