Presentation: Docker Container Life Cycles


5:25pm - 6:15pm



Docker is hot. However, as Docker container use spreads into more mature production pipelines, there can be issues about control of Docker images to ensure they are production-ready. Is a promotion-based model appropriate to control and track the flow of Docker images from development to production?

We will demonstrate how to implement a promotion model for docker images, and then show how to distribute them to any kind of consumer, being it a customer or a data center.

Speaker: Mark Galpin

Senior Solution Architect @JFrog

Mark Galpin is a Senior Solution Architect at JFrog, the creators of the Artifactory Binary Repository and the home of Bintray. For these products, JFrog won JavaOne 2011 and 2013 Duke Choice Awards. Before coming to JFrog in 2015, he spent eight years working on software, interoperability, and data standards as a contractor for the United States Army. He played a major role in a number of efforts that improved communication between army software applications on the battlefield. As a JFrog solution engineer, Mark is responsible for working with partners to improve the continuous integration/continuous delivery environment. He is also responsible for helping customers do cool things with Artifactory and Bintray, a task which is made much easier by the many cool features the JFrog team puts out.

Find Mark Galpin at

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