Women & Allies in Tech Lunch
Join the Women & Allies in Tech Lunch and connect with other QCon attendees and speakers.
Monday Nov 18 / 12:40PM PST
Registration closed

We will kick it off with a lightning talk by Soledad Alborno, followed by a chance to meet each other, share experiences and make new connections.
- 12:40 pm - 1:30 pm
- A lunch buffet will be available in front of the room, please grab your lunch and join us
- Location: Hyatt Embarcadero, Atrium level, Waterfront CDE
- Complimentary for all conference attendees (badge required)
Lightning Talk: 'Breaking the Money Taboo'
When was the last time you talked about how much you make? Do you even know what your total compensation this year is? Talking about money can be awkward, but it shouldn't be! We should all be able to chat openly about our salaries so we can make sure we're getting paid what we're worth.
The salary gap is real, women are paid on average 16% less than men, and Black women and Latinas have to work 2x more to match the paycheck of their white male counterparts. We need to break the money taboo and start working towards equality. Let’s start the change today! Hopefully, this is just the first step in getting you that raise and salary jump you deserve. Let's make it happen!
Capacity for this session is limited, to save your seat and help with room planning, please register for the session.

Soledad Alborno
Sr. Product Manager @Google, Building Transformative AI Experiences, Latina in Tech
Soledad Alborno is a Sr Product Manager at Google. She has over 20 years of experience in the technology industry, having worked at Intel, Motorola, and several startups. She is a leader in artificial intelligence applications and an advocate for Latinas in technology.