Crafting the World's Most Advanced Computer Chips with Java

In today's digital age, the demand for faster, more efficient computer chips in our devices is ever-growing. The intricate process of chip manufacturing hinges on cutting-edge machines and sophisticated software, with precision down to the nanometer. But have you ever wondered about the role of software, particularly Java, in this intricate dance of technology?

Dive into this session to unravel the mysteries of chip production. Discover how today's chips can house over a hundred million transistors in just a square millimeter, a testament to the marvels of modern engineering.

We'll journey through the chip creation process, highlighting software's pivotal role in detecting and rectifying potential issues. At the heart of this process is our Java-based analytics platform, which processes machine data, visualizes results, and pinpoints areas for enhancement. This invaluable feedback loop allows for real-time adjustments to the manufacturing parameters, ensuring the production of superior-quality chips.

Join me as I shed light on our platform's architecture, the Java technologies that power it, and the profound impact of software on the future of chip manufacturing.

What's the focus of your work these days?

I work as a software architect on a new, Java based, analytics platform for ASML which will be used by our customers to detect (potential) issues while manufacturing computer chips. After analysis, the platform can be used to recalibrate the machine in order to produce more (and better) chips.

What's the motivation for your talk at QCon San Francisco 2023?

I've learned a lot about how computer chips are actually made since joining ASML. It's funny that we all use them daily on our laptops, phones and other electronic devices without actually knowing how they are created. Since I had never seen a talk about the topic, I wanted to share my knowledge about the manufacturing process and show the design of our brand-new, high-performance platform.

How would you describe your main persona and target audience for this session?

Basically, anyone who's interested in the fabrication of computer chips or whoever wants to know more about the software development involved.

Is there anything specific that you'd like people to walk away with after watching your session?

Knowing how the computer chips we use daily are actually created - despite some big challenges. Some of the things our machines and software do seem almost impossible, but with the right mindset a lot can be achieved to reach your goals and make your customers happy. We've used various solutions from the Java ecosystem that might be interesting for other projects as well.


Johan Janssen

Software Architect @ASML

Johan is working as software architect at ASML. He has been working for various demanding companies where rapidly delivering high-quality software was very important. Johan regularly writes articles for InfoQ and Java magazines, mainly around Java. He spoke in 24 countries at more than 40 different conferences such as JavaOne, GOTO, Devoxx, JavaZone, J-Fall, J-Spring, Jfokus and JavaLand. Johan received the JavaOne Rock Star and Oracle Code One Star awards.

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Java Platform Engineering Computer Chips Plugin Architecture Big Data
