How does an architect level up in a world of constant change? How do you, your projects, and your teams stay responsive while external, often unexpected, events continuously impact your plans?
The architect’s journey – and their wants, fears, aspirations, and expectations – is one of continual transformation to enable your organization to exceed expectations and outperform your rivals.
Architects follow a similar arc to those of a startup CEO, who are business architects responsible for achieving outsized results relative to their rivals. Technology changes as quickly as markets in our world of constant change.
This session will take a deeper look at the accelerating expectations and responsibilities of architects through the lens of Akka’s transformation. We’ll provide an intimate insider's view of our business, the (sometimes controversial) strategies we’ve taken to transform, and how we are charting a future with Akka 3.
Our business transformation is the architect’s journey – a process to evaluate, assess, experiment, vision, and execute. Architects who level up are those who embrace relentless change to outmaneuver competitors and exceed expectations.

Tyler Jewell
Tyler is a 4-time DevEx CEO previously leading WSO2, Codenvy (acq. by RedHat), and The Middleware Company (acq. by TechTarget). He publishes the Developer-Led Landscape, a public database of 1600 DevOps companies and their trends. Tyler is a lifelong DevOps student investing $140M as a VC, angel, and board member at Sauce Labs (acq. by PE), InfoQ (founder buyout), Sourcegraph (acq. by PE), Cloudant (acq. by IBM), NS1 (acq. by IBM), WSO2, Lightbend, Oxeye Security (acquired by Gitlab), CUE Labs, AppMap, and Archipelo. Previously, he grew products at BEA, Oracle, RedHat, and Quest. Tyler is a private pilot and volunteers with Angel Flights out of Aurora, Oregon.
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Akka is used to develop resilient, low latency, large scale, cloud-to-edge distributed applications.

Tyler Jewell