A discussion about server driven UI frameworks for Mobile development. We'll discuss what they are, why they are starting to become more prevalent, and the spectrum of possible options you can consider when you're looking into an SDUI framework. We'll also hit on the pros and cons that arise when choosing to rely on an SDUI solution as opposed to building in a pure-native solution.
Thomas Chao
Principal Engineer @Snowflake, Previously at Uber and Google
Tom Chao is a principal engineer at Snowflake, responsible for building out their core design system and providing a unified developer experience for 1P and 3P partners.
Prior to Snowflake, he led a cross-functional team at Uber to build out server driven technologies, accelerating the product release cycle, developer velocity, and feature consistency. He has a passion for building large scale client experiences, with experiences leading architecture at Uber Rides, Gmail Android and iOS, and Google Nearby.