High Performance Virtual Teams - Oxymoron or Necessity?
Location:Seacliff A/BAbstract:
Virtual and distributed teams operate by the same laws of human behavior as collocated full time teams. However, virtual teams choose to operate in suboptimal environments which may reduce feedback, delay learning, hinder progress, and obscure dysfunction until it’s too late. This makes it far more important for virtual and distributed teams to understand and operate by the simple laws which underlie all high performance teams. In this session, we will identify key principles for high performance product development teams, and explore which of these we can and cannot control in virtual teams.
Participants are encouraged to prepare by reflecting on the most productive and least productive groups you’ve worked with, including both collocated, distributed, full time, and part time teams. Please come prepared to collaborate, bring a pen, and bring high expectations of yourself, the presenter, and other participants.