Jordan Delong
Jordan DeLong
Software Engineer at FacebookJordan DeLong is a software engineer at Facebook. He's contributed to
a variety of parts of the codebase, including Facebook's open source
C++ library (folly), and the search backend. These days he works on
HHVM, with the aim of making PHP a better, faster language.
C++: The Good Parts
Track: (Post)FunctionalLocation:Seacliff A/BAbstract:
Although C++ originated with the primary aim of adding Object Oriented features to C, it has evolved from the OO paradigm into a multi-paradigm language with strong support for various functional programming idioms. C++11 adds several language features, most notably lambda expressions, that are overtly functional. But even prior to C++11, key parts of the standard library sported a design that has fundamentally more in common with functional programming than with OO. This talk gives an overview of the past, current and near future "good parts" of C++'s functional side, through the colored lens of the speaker's biases.