Speaker: George Mao

He / him / his

Senior Distinguished Engineer @Capital One Leading All Things Serverless, Ex-AWS WW Serverless Tech Lead

George is a Senior Distinguished Engineer at Capital One. He is the Lead DE for Capital One's Serverless strategy and leads the effort to transform the company into a serverless-first organization.  He leads the Serverless Center of Excellence and is responsible for setting enterprise patterns, best practices, and the developer experience.

Find George Mao at:


Lessons from Leading the Serverless First Journey at CapitalOne

Going serverless? Worried about challenges with performance, cost, and scale? At CapitalOne, we embraced a serverless first mentality across thousands of applications live today. This talk covers our journey into serverless, the best practices we picked up, and the lessons learned along the way.

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Wednesday Oct 4 / 10:35AM PDT ( 50 minutes )


Ballroom BC


Serverless AWS Lambda Cloud
