Track Host: Jeff Wagner

He / him / his

Director of Engineering @Snowflake

Jeff Wagner is currently Director of Engineering at Snowflake where he leads teams building customer facing user experiences. Their work is focused on amplifying the customer’s ability to get more value from their data faster than ever before. Prior to Snowflake, Jeff led UI engineering teams at Netflix across the consumer and studio/enterprise space.  His work focused on personalized experiences for consumers and new experiences to scale global content production.  Jeff is passionate about building and coaching high performing teams, and delivering intuitive and performant user experiences for customers. 

Find Jeff Wagner at:


Emerging Trends in the Frontend

It’s a fascinating time to be a frontend developer! We are seeing the rise of new frameworks that are driving a deeper integration of client and server allowing frontend developers to better leverage the advantages of both.


Wednesday Oct 4 / 10:35AM PDT
