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Discover Inspirational Insights in Motivational Sports Speeches Using Speech-to-Text
Inspirational sports speeches have motivated and reinvigorated folks for years. Whether you’re a developer or an athlete, they’ve withstood the journey because even the smartest, the bravest, and the most resilient need some encouragement on occasion. During our time together, we’ll use Python and a speech-to-text provider to transcribe sports podcasts that contain inspirational speeches. We’ll discover insights from the transcripts to determine which ones might give you a boost of energy or rally your team. We’ll discover common topics of each sports podcast episode and measure how they leave us feeling: victorious or perhaps overcoming the agony of defeat. We’ll also investigate if there are any similarities and differences in the sports speeches and what makes a great motivational speech that moves people to action. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of using speech recognition in real-world scenarios and using features of Machine Learning with Python to derive insights. This talk is for developers of all levels, including beginners.
Tonya Sims
Python Developer Advocate @Deepgram
Tonya is a former Professional Basketball player turned Python enthusiast. She is currently a Python Developer Advocate for Deepgram, a speech-to-text company that has revolutionized the market. Her path to Python is unconventional. Her career started in athletics and then transitioned to pharmaceutical sales. She finally landed in her destination spot, the tech industry. Driven by her passion for teaching, she takes pride in helping others and loves connecting with her fellow Pythonistas! Outside of coding, Tonya enjoys all things sports. She is also an avid reader who loves writing and spending time with her nieces and nephews.
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Kubernetes and LaunchDarkly; The Junction of Deploy and Software
Tuesday Oct 25 / 01:40PM PDT
Teams are leveraging Kubernetes (and other container based technologies) to improve the speed at which they ship and deploy applications, however, Kubernetes still largely focuses on solving these problems through infrastructure concepts.
Peter McCarron
Senior Technical Marketing Engineer @LaunchDarkly
Kubernetes and LaunchDarkly; The Junction of Deploy and Software
Data Analytics
Understanding Analytics and Data-driven Decision Making
Tuesday Oct 25 / 02:55PM PDT
Understanding Analytics and Data-driven Decision Making
Daniel Ceasar Paul Jalathyan
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Understanding Analytics and Data-driven Decision Making
Performance Testing Java Applications
Tuesday Oct 25 / 10:35AM PDT
Every so often, you’ll read a performance benchmark (of a Java or other application), with bold claims for how well X performs compared to Y.
Pratik Patel
Java Champion & developer advocate @Azul Systems
Performance Testing Java Applications
Are Programming languages... *Actually* Languages?
Tuesday Oct 25 / 04:10PM PDT
Spoiler: proooooooobably not… But Second Language Acquisition and Tech Skill Building share a *lot* of similarities. Despite their best efforts, people regularly stumble in their language-learning AND Dev/DevOps journeys. Why is this, and what can we do better?
Dylan Lacey
Manager of Developer Relations @Sauce Labs
Are Programming languages... *Actually* Languages?
Machine Learning
Engineering Considerations for Running Machine Learning Models at the Edge: Application in Body Scanning for eCommerce
Tuesday Oct 25 / 11:50AM PDT
This talk will review the engineering considerations to support the operation of body scanning machine learning models to evaluate the usability of images for generating a body double in the Amazon shopping application.
Jenn Lin
Principal Engineer and Sr. Software Development Manager @Amazon
Herak Sen
Principal Software Engineer @Amazon
Engineering Considerations for Running Machine Learning Models at the Edge: Application in Body Scanning for eCommerce