Successful Leadership in Hybrid Environments: Powerful Principles, Practical Steps, and Poignant Examples

Being a technical- or people leader in a hybrid work environment can be extra challenging: While on paper, it may look like hybrid work combines the “best of both [remote and co-located] worlds”, the reality often looks drastically different: 

  • You’re still bogged down in meetings all day (now with added hardware challenges during video calls).

  • You constantly have to chase information when you’re not in the office.

  • Your teams are struggling to adjust their collaboration patterns, and some of your teammates feel disconnected.

  • And it seems like neither you nor your teammates can ever be fully present where you should (or want to!) be.  

Yet, reflecting on the way you work and supporting others while you’re adjusting to a new model yourself can be really hard! This is why, in this session, we’ll take a few steps back and focus on principles that you can apply to succeed as a leader and help your teams thrive: 

We’ll cover questions like: 

  • What can you as a leader do to avoid that your organization’s hybrid approach turns into “the worst of both worlds”? 

  • What principles & approaches can you apply to lead more effectively in a hybrid environment? 

  • How does this work in practice? How have leaders in similar settings implemented these approaches in their day-to-day work with their teams?   

You’ll walk away with practical tips that you can start implementing on your next workday in order to lead more effectively in a hybrid environment. You’ll hear concrete examples from leaders that have done it before, and lessons to learn from them. In addition, you’ll take away a set of higher-level principles that you can modify to suit your role, and use to increase your impact as a leader. 


Lena Reinhard

Founder, Coach, Consultant @Lena Reinhard Leadership Coaching & Consulting, Previously VP of Engineering @CircleCI @TravisCI

Lena Reinhard has dedicated her career to building successful, high-performing globally distributed engineering organizations, and helping teams thrive in times of high change like hypergrowth. She now offers transformational leadership coaching and consulting for leaders. Previously, Lena served as VP Engineering with CircleCI and Travis CI, as well as a startup co-founder & CEO, and through her cross-functional background and experience, she brings a unique perspective on systems of technology, business, and people

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Monday Oct 24 / 10:35AM PDT ( 50 minutes )


Ballroom BC


Hybrid Work People and Culture Remote Leadership People Skills


From the same track

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Leveraging Hybrid One-on-Ones for Better Connections

Monday Oct 24 / 04:10PM PDT

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Speaker image - Alexandra Sunderland

Alexandra Sunderland

Senior Engineering Manager @fellowapp

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Building High-Trust and High-Performing Teams at Shopify in a Remote World

Monday Oct 24 / 11:50AM PDT

The switch to remote-only and hybrid has unlocked so much potential for the world and our companies: we can hire the best, people can live where they want, and we can form teams based on skills and interest instead of location.

Speaker image - Jesse McGinnis

Jesse McGinnis

Senior Development Manager @Shopify and Author of Embracing Uncertainty

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The Future of Work: How Flexibility Unlocks Potential for People and Organizations

Monday Oct 24 / 05:25PM PDT

The last two years created a massive discontinuity in how we work, and now the debate rages: are we going back to the way things were, or investing to move forward?

Speaker image - Brian Elliott

Brian Elliott

Executive Leader, Future Forum & SVP @Slack | Author, How the Future Works


[Panel] Hybrid and Remote: How Do We Start Making Change Right Now?

Monday Oct 24 / 01:40PM PDT

The panelists have all been part of organizations that have fully embraced hybrid or remote work, and some were leading that charge. The question is, how do we go back to work next week and start making real changes for the better?

Speaker image - Lena Reinhard

Lena Reinhard

Founder, Coach, Consultant @Lena Reinhard Leadership Coaching & Consulting, Previously VP of Engineering @CircleCI @TravisCI

Speaker image - Jesse McGinnis

Jesse McGinnis

Senior Development Manager @Shopify and Author of Embracing Uncertainty

Speaker image - Alexandra Sunderland

Alexandra Sunderland

Senior Engineering Manager @fellowapp

Speaker image - Brian Elliott

Brian Elliott

Executive Leader, Future Forum & SVP @Slack | Author, How the Future Works


Unconference: Hybrid Work Strategies

Monday Oct 24 / 02:55PM PDT

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Speaker image - Shane Hastie

Shane Hastie

Global Delivery Lead for SoftEd and Lead Editor for Culture & Methods at