Building a DevOps Culture with Site24x7: Collaboration and Accountability

Learn how Site24x7 fosters a DevOps culture by providing real-time visibility to development, operations, and other stakeholders, promoting collaboration and accountability.

Session Sponsored By

AI-Powered Full Stack Monitoring Platform


Monday Oct 2 / 03:55PM PDT ( 50 minutes )




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A More Useful Programming Model

Monday Oct 2 / 05:05PM PDT

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Speaker image - Taylor Khan

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Coding With Cody: How AI Is Revolutionizing Software Development

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AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked major breakthroughs in many industries including software development.

Speaker image - Ado  Kukic

Ado Kukic

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Speaker image - Farhad Ghayour

Farhad Ghayour

Senior Director of Engineering @McKinsey & Company.