Managing Staff+ Engineers: Opportunities and Challenges

Staff+ engineers can be a powerful force in your organization…if you let them. Effectively managingStaff+ engineers requires different strategies than many managers are used to employing.

Having managed many Staff+ engineers and worked as a Staff+ engineer myself, I’d like to share my experiences (especially my mistakes!) so that you can get maximum value from your Staff+ engineers (and keep your sanity while doing so!).

In this talk, we’ll cover a range of stories and examples of effective and ineffective Staff+ management, such as:

  • The “transparent umbrella” strategy for providing context
  • What happens when you treat Staff+ engineers like senior engineers
  • Handling mismatched IQ/EQ in your Staff+ engineers
  • Leading without authority vs. lending authority
  • For aspiring & current Staff+ engineers, understanding what you can expect from your manager
  • “Talk tracks” to help aspiring and current Staff+ engineers get the support they need


Adam Schirmacher

Staff Engineer & Manager of Staff Engineers @Gusto

Adam is currently a Staff Engineer @Gusto whose code moves $50B+ per year. He was formerly a director at Gusto who managed Staff Engineers. He focuses on being supportive yet demanding - ensuring that not only are current challenges handled, but that his organization is ready to tackle the next set of challenges too.

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Monday Oct 2 / 01:35PM PDT ( 50 minutes )


Seacliff ABC


Staff Plus Engineering Management Soft Skills


From the same track

Session Staff Plus Engineering

An Incident Story: Tips for How Staff+ Engineers Can Impact Incidents

Monday Oct 2 / 10:35AM PDT

In this talk, Erin Doyle, will walk through her experience with a critical 3-day-long incident.

Speaker image - Erin Doyle

Erin Doyle

Staff Platform Engineer @Lob, with 20+ Years Previously as a Full Stack Engineer and Instructor @Egghead

Session Staff Plus Engineering

Things Every Staff+ Engineer Should Know

Monday Oct 2 / 11:45AM PDT

As staff+ engineers, we're often thrown into the deep end and expected to navigate huge amounts of ambiguity including ambiguity about what our jobs even are. It's common to feel like there's a huge amount of trial and error or even luck.

Speaker image - Joy Ebertz

Joy Ebertz

Principal Engineer @Split, Blogger, and Speaker, Previously @Box

Session Staff Plus Engineering

Risk and Failure on the Path to Staff Engineer

Monday Oct 2 / 03:55PM PDT

Even as inaction can be a risk, deciding which actions to take in one's career involves choosing between different bets. I've developed a rubric for judging specific risks that I've taken.

Speaker image -  Caleb Hyde

Caleb Hyde

Site Reliability Engineer @Expel


Unconference: Staff+ Engineering

Monday Oct 2 / 05:05PM PDT

What is an unconference? An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. Attendees come together, bringing their challenges and relying on the experience and know-how of their peers for solutions.


Panel: Staff+ Engineering Skills

Monday Oct 2 / 02:45PM PDT

Staff+ engineering is a critical role in any high-performing engineering organization. But what does it take to get promoted or get hired into a staff role? What does it take to keep it? Join us for a panel discussion with experienced Staff+ engineers who will share their insights.

Speaker image - Erin Doyle

Erin Doyle

Staff Platform Engineer @Lob, with 20+ Years Previously as a Full Stack Engineer and Instructor @Egghead

Speaker image - Adam Schirmacher

Adam Schirmacher

Staff Engineer & Manager of Staff Engineers @Gusto

Speaker image - Joy Ebertz

Joy Ebertz

Principal Engineer @Split, Blogger, and Speaker, Previously @Box

Speaker image -  Caleb Hyde

Caleb Hyde

Site Reliability Engineer @Expel